5 Easy Ways To Cheat Google And Become A Billionaire Within 2 Weeks

Do all these crazy things to get great results for your sites and become a billionaire! [Warning : Satire!]

I want to let you in on a very important secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else. If you start spreading this information around it means everyone is going to copy it and there are only enough first-page rankings for a few of us. If you want your business to become a huge authority that brings in billions of dollars per every 2 weeks then I know you’ll keep your mouth shut.

I know of a few easy ways to cheat Google and steal the number one spot for each of your keywords. These techniques are so simple and in a few weeks you’ll be able to relax in a hammock on a tropical island while the money pours into your bank account. Drop everything else you’re doing and start concentrating fully on every single one of these.

Stuff your articles with keywords

You need to pick your main keyword and stuff it into the article as much times as possible. You obviously can’t include it in every single sentence, but it should be in every second one. Don’t just stick to the one keyword because you can always benefit from long-tail traffic. Make sure the main one is in your header, sub-headings, first sentence, last sentence, and everywhere in between.

Hide a few keywords

This is a cool little trick you can do and the search engines love it. They get to rank you higher and it doesn’t inconvenience the visitors they send to your site. Just start writing your keyword hundreds of times at the end of your article and change the color of the text so it’s the same as the background. Don’t put too much in, but three hundred should be fine.

Spin everything

Once you have worked on an article it would be a shame to waste it. If you buy some spinning software you can spin the article thousands of times. Take each one and use mass article submission software to publish them all over the web. It doesn’t matter if nobody can read them because you’re only doing it to build as much quality backlinks as possible.

Spam the Internet

You need to promote your article once it’s published. I’d recommend joining up to a few hundred forums and you can start a brand new thread with your link inside. Tell people the article will change their life and they will all click through. Now go onto other websites and start writing comments that have your link inside them then get ready to become rich.

Keep the word count low

It’s hard to write long articles because it takes so long. Stick to articles that are no longer than a few hundred words long and it will mean you can write a few dozen of them each day. It is going to be much better for your readers because they will finish each one in less than a minute. You know they hate having to read something that takes too long to finish, so long articles are out.

Now what?

I hope you’ve worked out that these techniques are everything you should not do, but some people are still guilty of each one and it needs to stop now.

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Author: Ben Kirsten

Ben Kirsten is an independent SEO. An experienced campaigner, he advises newbies against the use of black hat techniques so as to avoid incurring a penguin penalty. He also shares useful tips and tricks of SEO on his blog.

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